The RSM Trainees' Sinus Dissection Day


Dear Specialty Trainee in Otolaryngology,

It is our pleasure to present to you the 2nd Trainees' Sinus Dissection Day in association with the Royal Society of Medicine and the Association of Otolaryngologists in Training. The purpose of this annual event is to promote skill and excellence in sinus surgery, and to enthuse the next generation of expert sinus surgeons and Rhinologists in the UK.


The event is to be held at the University of Manchester, UK and will follow on immediately from the Manchester Advanced Sinus and Skull Base dissection course running from the 2nd to 4th December, 2019.


The day will focus on each Specialty Trainee's ability to use the instrumentation provided safely, to perform a series of sinus dissections on fresh-frozen cadaver specimens proficiently (see programme), and to demonstrate to the assessors anatomical knowledge. The high quality instruments are the same as those used by the assessors in their day-to-day practices, and are supplied by Karl Storz and Medtronic. It is expected that applicants will be between ST3 and ST8, and will have experience in performing sinus surgery prior to registering for this event. The last event demonstrated that ST7's and ST8's are most likely to benefit. If you are a trainee earlier in your training, you may find the core level course more appropriate, details at nose-manchester

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The event is a collaboration between the Royal Society of Medicine, the Association of Otolaryngologists in Training, Manchester University Foundation Trust, and the University of Manchester, and will be held at the world-class training facility the Manchester Surgical Skills and Simulation Centre, based at the University of Manchester Medical School. A very special prize will be awarded for the best dissection, a place at the next Manchester Advanced Sinus and Skull Base dissection course, 6-8 December 2021. To register for this event, you will need to provide a 150 word statement declaring the reason for your interest. There are only 8 places available, which will be awarded to the most suitable applicants.


Unfortunately, your place can only be confirmed once either your payment (£200.00) is received by the Course Administrator or you confirm you are a trainee member (£150.00) of the Royal Society of Medicine. Deposits that are not received within 10 working days of your application will result in your name being removed from the reservation list and your place being released to other applicants. Please note, demand for places on this event is predicted to be high again, which has necessitated this approach to registration. Further details of RSM membership for trainees can be found by clicking the following link


Yours sincerely,


Mr Raj K. Bhalla

Consultant Rhinologist and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgeon
